This is a long over due post. I apologize to my 3 loyal readers.
I recently realized that keeping a blog is great way to keep track of progress and chronicle the various processes of a startup.
Since the launch of uLiken.com we have been pretty busy working on different projects and enjoying the summer. Our main project is POPrl. POPrl is a URL shrinking service that ranks the popularity of it's URLs by tracking clicks. The site is live so feel free to check it our at www.poprl.com . You can also read the techcrunch post(http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/06/06/poprl-mixes-reddit-with-tinyurl-gets-strange-result/) the mashable post (http://mashable.com/2008/06/06/poprl-news-aggregator/) also a recent post on the inquisitr (http://www.inquisitr.com/2114/poprlcom/). You can google the rest, don't yahoo it(whatever that means).
Traffic is doing great and growing organically at a steady pace. We're also getting ready to push some new updates in next couple of days that i'm pretty excited about. If there's a feature you would like to see drop us an e-mail and i'll what i can do.